01 DEC 2022

”The Sound of Music", tells the story of Maria, a novice whose vocation as a nun can only be summed up in her name. Her indiscipline and her way of always getting into trouble make the convent that shelters her decide to give her an earthly mission: take care of the seven children of the grumpy widower Captain Von Trapp.
Maria heads to the Von Trapps' luxurious mansion excited, but at the same time, fearful... and has reason to be. It's just that Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta, and Gretl have no desire to make his life easier, just as they didn't do the dozens of nannies who passed through his house before. But Maria's methods are very different and she ends up winning their hearts through music. "Música no Coração" is a romantic musical, based on a true story, whose soundtrack has been sung over the years.
Musically, the show brings us iconic songs, which include the classic themes “Do-Re-Mi”, “So Long, Farewell”, “The Hills Are Alive” and “Morning Hymn/Alleluia”.
The cast is:
Sofia Escobar as Maria Rainer
Jorge Corrula as Capitão von Trapp
Manuela Couto as Baronesa Elsa Schraeder
Virgílio Castelo as Max Detweiler
Patrícia Quinta as Madre Abadessa
Silvia Mirpuri as Liesl von Trapp
Joana Amorim as Irmã Sophia
Pedro Rodrigues as Rolf Gruber
Inês Soares as Irmã Berthe
Ana Marta Kaufmann as Irmã Margaretta
Alda Machado as Frau Schmidt
Bruno Bernardo as Franz
Filipe Silva as Herr Zeller
Marlene Meireles as Baronesa Elberfeld
Diogo Morgado e António Ferreira as Friedrich von Trapp
Mariana Fontainhas e Marta Ribeiro as Louisa von Trapp
Carolina Santos e Mafalda Neiva as Gretl von Trapp
Francisco Ungaro e Pedro Viegas as Kurt von Trapp
Leonor Ferreira e Frederica Jacques as Brigitta von Trapp
Clara Oliveira e Leonor Miranda as Marta von Trapp
Pedro Almeida as Almirante von Schreiber
Ana Capote as Cover Maria Rainer e Cover Liesl von Trapp
Mário Redondo as Cover Capitão von Trapp
An Armando Calado production, staged by Pedro Ribeiro, with choreography by Sofia Loureiro and musical direction by Paulo Pires
10% - Family (4 persons)
15% - for groups of more than 20 people
Pontos de Venda: 18 20 (24h); www.meoblueticket.pt; Lojas MEO; Lojas FNAC; Lojas WORTEN; Wook.pt; El Corte Inglés; ABEP; Bilheteira MEO Arena (em dias de evento na MEO Arena); Turismo de Lisboa; ACP; Lojas SaltPay; Campo Pequeno; IT Tabacarias; Turismo de Cascais; Multiusos de Guimarães; Altice Forum Braga