01 OCT 2022

Concert at Altice Arena postponed to October 1st 2022
The tickets already bought are valid for the new date. Those who wish to return their tickets have 60 days to do so (until the 14th of April 2021).
Golden Ticket
Exclusive merchandise pack: banner and poster
Access to Q&A session with Diogo Piçarra on October 1st, 2022, at 18h30, at Altice Arena
Early entry to the concert; access to Golden Circle near the stage
Note: The Q&A session does not include individual meet & greet. The ticket buyers will be contacted in time to be informed of the place where they should go.
Note: the merchandise pack will be delivered on the day of the concert, at the Altice Arena, in a place properly sign posted.
MEO Silver Ticket
Exclusive merchandise package: flag and poster
Early entry to the concert
Access to Golden Circle near the stage
Note: the merchandise pack will be delivered on the day of the concert, at the Altice Arena, in a place properly sign posted.
Platinum Ticket
Exclusive merchandise pack: flag and poster
Access to the dress rehearsal for the Altice Arena in Lisbon in the beginning of September 2022; Meet & Greet with Diogo Piçarra at the dress rehearsal
Early entry to the concert, access to Golden Circle near the stage
Note: The ticket buyers will be contacted in due time to be informed about the date and place of the dress rehearsal
Note: the merchandise pack will be delivered on the day of the concert, at the Altice Arena, in a place properly sign posted.
Diogo Piçarra's South Side Boy Tour will premiere at the biggest concert hall in the country, the Altice Arena.
This will be the first time that the artist will give a concert in his own name in this venue, and it will also be the first time that he presents live the songs of the new album "South Side Boy".
Diogo Piçarra arrives at the Altice Arena after a break, of more than a year, from the big stages of the country, having, during 2019, performed a very successful acoustic tour in the main national auditoriums, with more than 30 sold-out concerts.
For this concert, Diogo Piçarra is preparing his biggest production ever, at scenic level and on stage he will be accompanied by his usual trio of musicians: Francisco Aragão on keys, guitars and programming; Filipe Cabeçadas on drums and programming and Miguel Santos on bass and programming.
In addition to the songs from the new album "South Side Boy", the concert's repertoire will include all the hits that have made Diogo Piçarra one of the greatest current national pop artists, such as "Tu e Eu", "Dialeto", "História" and "Paraíso" and many other surprises that the artist is preparing for this night that will certainly be unforgettable.
If you want to receive updated information about Diogo Piçarra, subscribe for the official newsletter.
Pontos de Venda: 18 20 (24h); www.meoblueticket.pt; Lojas MEO; Lojas FNAC; Lojas WORTEN; Wook.pt; El Corte Inglés; ABEP; Bilheteira MEO Arena (em dias de evento na MEO Arena); Turismo de Lisboa; ACP; Lojas SaltPay; Campo Pequeno; IT Tabacarias; Turismo de Cascais; Multiusos de Guimarães; Altice Forum Braga